Chili oil is essentially dried chilies, preserved in oil. It adds a delightful kick to whatever dish you’re using it in. Commonly used as a finishing oil for risottos, pastas and seafood, it’s also a great oil for any stirfry. Chili also called red pepper belongs to the genus capsicum, under the solanaceae family. They are believed to have originated from South America. Chilies are referred to as chilies, chile, hot peppers, bell peppers, red peppers, pod peppers, cayenne peppers, paprika, pimento, and capsicum in different parts of the world.
Total world chili oil demand to increase by 1.4 million bpd, which makes India's expected growth of some 300,000 bpd the most significant source of growth for crude producers outside of China's expected lift in demand of about 380,000 bpd. Entrepreneurs who invest in this project will be successful.